Leaning in to Listen: Roxana Cazan

May 6, 2020 Kate Belew with Roxana Cazan (Oklahoma City, OK)

The hare, a symbol of strangeness and 

diligence, considers the forest, its moss orchestra

a different kind of song. Listen, I mean, 

your body is your body only until one of you forgets

where the edges exist. I mean, you are

writing your own symphony in the middle of this stone city

and you are really singing. I know that it is difficult  

to find a god hidden in every bird parade

and the birds here fly into the windows and I don't know how 

to tell the world that if every one of us leaned in to listen,

we would finally be able to brush the dust off 

our old hearts & maybe hear the chorus of beats murmur

beneath the surface of this earth. 


I Lift One of my Wings Toward Neptune: Emi, Jackie


Straight Into the Storm Drain: Maya Bernstein